Na het lezen van leuke andere blogs die ik ontdek heb ik Australie, en daar een reactie op gelaten te hbben, kreeg ik een mailtje terug, dat ze op mijn blog gekeken had, leukde dingen zag, maar helaas geen nederlands kon lezen, tja, dus ga vanaf nu proberen om mijn blog 2 talig te schrijven. ik ga alleen niet alles letterlijk vertalen hoor. dus wil je niks missen dan lees je beiden lol
I found some great blogs in Australia, and when Kim from said hello to every one who read here blog, I thought it would be nice to say hello to here too, so i did, and then she wrote back, she visit my blog but can't read dutch, lol i understand that, so i am going to write also in Englisch, at least i can try.
on honey sucklecottage i also found I love here designs, i did see here patterns at Atelier Bep in Doesburg,when i Visit bep 2 weeks ago , never saw them before.
and she has also pattern from i love here patterns also very much, but they are so expense over here, and i do not have a credit card, so i just have to look , and maybee one day i will make one.
2 opmerkingen:
Thank you so much for writing in English. Now I can visit and say hello to you. I am pleased you like the wonderful designers we have here. I hope you have a happy stitching day. Bye for now
Hoi Jac :)
Weet je dat ik nog stees hardstikke blij ben met die geweldige engeltjes quilt die ik van je gekregen heb :))))))))
Dikke knuf
Jacq b
Jacq b (who loves pink and angels) says that she is stil verry verry happy with the beautifull angel quilt that Jac w gave to her :))))
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