Op de crazy exchange doe ik mee met een Round Robin, mijn eerste, erg leuk om te doen!
en zo ver is de mijne nu:
On crazy ecxhange I am doing a RR with Caro, marne and Marc.
Middle block: jacqueline
first border: Caro
second Border: Marc

deze is van Marne
this one is from Marne
First border: Jacqueline
Second Border: Caro

Marc's RR
First Border Marne
now it is my Turn, I allready have they idea.
Ik ben aan de beurt heb al een idee

Caro's RR
First border: Marc
second Border: Marne
Help I have no idea what I have to make for the third border I need help!
geen idee wat voor rand ik er om heen moet maken, denk iets lichters mischien een aplicatie??
4 opmerkingen:
Mmm denk ook in applicaties.
Zie er trouwens alldrie mooi uit.
If you imagine that the brown and checkered border is like a fence, what would be outside the fence? Does that help any? Perhaps a different fabric with dogs on it? Oh my goodness, it is difficult, no?
Keep in mind Jacq, this quilt will be for Paco, I like quilts to be used. Sso I'm waiting with pleasure what the end-result will be. I think this project is fantastic. I had so much fun
bye Caro
I would use a much lighter border than the last one and do some applique, using the flower pattern from the center of the block.
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