Welkom/ Welcome

Hallo beste bezoeker, Welkom op mijn blog, waar ik mijn creatieve uitspatting laat zien, en ook wel eens iets anders wat me bezig houd.

Hello dear Visitor, Welcome to my blog,here you can find my crafts and other things that are on my mind.

When life gives you scraps, make quilts

woensdag, juli 30, 2008

xmas ornie exchange

Did is what I made for Staci, (pictures are made bij Staci)

5 opmerkingen:

Annelies zei

A gingerbreadman and a snowman. They are very cute !

Nana's Quilts zei

Oh, I especially love your snowman. So cute!

I keep looking for you on Skype, but you aren't "on" when I am. I will keep trying.

Kreative blogging award for you - see my blog.


Shari zei

I saw these on Staci's blog & had to visit you! HOW ADORABLE!!!!!! I love both of them.
I have a question--do you have a pattern you could share?? I am doing a craft show with my mom & I could see these doing great!

Creative Chaos zei

Ooow, wat een schattige kerst ornies !! Harstikke mooi gemaakt !!
Patti xx

Janaina zei

iI canĀ“t pick one I like the most! I love them aboth!
Terrific finishing, Jaqc! Well done! =)